How Monch Monch® Works
02 | Absorption
03 | Gelification
04 | Regulation
05 | power microbiome

Mix one serving of Monch Monch® into half a cup of water or your preferred beverage, or food! Quickly ingest the solution/mixture immediately after a meal that is high in carbs and sugar.

Monch Monch sponge cavities will soak up sugars, carbs and fats
Once in the stomach, Monch Monch's® nanoscopic sponges will expand and swell up to 70 times their original size. They will then specifically target and absorb sugars and simple carbs from your meal, surrounding these compounds in a 3D fiber encasing.

MONCH MONCH is a food wrapper that encases modern processed foods in a natural spongy fiber net. This makes them resemble and act like the old-fashioned, healthy foods that our bodies and gut bacteria have evolved with over millennia. It's a simple way to make our diets healthier without having to give up our favorite treats.
Monch Monch's natural fiber sponges will entangle trap and retain within its micro-alveoli calories -sugars, carbs, fats, etc.
Once these compounds are captured, Monch Monch® slows and blocks the absorption of the carbs/sugar by your body. This leads to lower and controlled blood glucose spikes that would normally occur when eating high carb and sugary foods. A big problem with modern, ultra-processed foods is the high-carb and low-fiber content that leads to rapid absorption by the body, resulting in high blood sugar spikes. This causes higher levels of insulin in the body, resulting in calories being stored as fat instead of being used for energy. With Monch Monch, we're helping to convert those excess carbs and sugar into fiber, making your favorite foods healthier!

MonchMonch clinical trials showed a decreased insulin secretion, a highly beneficial effect.
By converting carbs and sugar into fiber, Monch Monch's® fibrous matrix will also decrease the caloric content of these processed foods. This allows you to enjoy your favorite foods without getting off track from your health goals!

With MONCH MONCH now providing proper nourishment, the beneficial bacteria in our guts can significantly increase the production of the immensely beneficial short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate. These compounds play a crucial role in regulating your immune system, safeguarding your body against autoimmune diseases, and reducing inflammation overall.
Monch Monch® serves as a vital source of nourishment for the beneficial bacteria residing in our gut microbiome. These essential organisms, which have coexisted with us for millions of years, often go undernourished due to the prevalence of ultra-processed foods. However, after absorbing those excess carbs and sugar and converting them to fiber, Monch Monch goes on to feed the gut bacteria in your large intestine with soluble and insoluble fiber, promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

Why is it so Good?